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CO2 policy
Safety, health and environment are closely intertwined with components such as instruction, consultation and supervision, which are therefore primarily included in our business operations. By propagating this in word and deed and feedback of the experience gained, we strive for continuous improvement of the KAM policy. Improvement, on the one hand maintaining the VCA and ISO 9001 certificate and on the other hand by formulating improvement goals in our action plans and realizing and improving them in practice. In order to link this to corporate social responsibility, we have decided to set up theCO2 performance ladder to gain a better understanding of ourCO2 emissions. By making ourCO2 footprint we have mapped out our main emission sources. JLD International B.V. will annually communicate its energy policy,CO2 footprint and reduction targets internally and externally. The level at which JLD International B.V. deals withCO2 reduction meets the requirements of the SKAO /CO2 performance ladder for level 5.
JLD International B.V. has converted its own energy consumption intoCO2 emissions in order to gain more insight into itsCO2 emissions per energy flow. This insight intoCO2 emissions makes it possible to set effective targets. In the year 2018, theCO2 footprint was calculated for the first time. The footprint is recalculated every six months and communicated internally and externally (see also the documents under C: Communication).
Download the most recent footprint and progress report below
JLD International B.V. has established reduction targets to effectively reduce its CO2 emissions.
Download the relevant document below:
JLD International B.V. publicly communicates its energy reduction policy every six months. Download the relevant documents below:
JLD International B.V. actively participates in initiatives around CO2 reduction in the industry or beyond. Currently this is the initiative of KAM-advisor Netherlands.