Category Archives: JLD Dike Stabilization


Presentation JLD Dike Stabiliser at Hydraulic Engineering Day

Past 23 november JLD Contracting attended the Hydraulic Enigneering Day in Rotterdam with an own stand.

The subject of climate change is indispensable from everyday life. Increased flooding in low-lying deltas, the transition to clean energy and the Paris climate agreement ensure permanent attention in the media. In this way, they contribute to the social awareness of this subject. How much do sea levels rise and river discharges? And what does this mean for the hydraulic engineering sector?

Questions about this type of issues were being discussed this day by experts and companies involved in hydraulic engineering.

At this Hydraulic Engineer Day JLD Contracting presented the JLD Dike Stabilizer, an innovative dike reinforcement system which contributes to water safety in the Netherlands.

Curious about the JLD-Dike Stabilizer, and how it offers people a more secure environment, protecting them better against dike failure and also to warn them in an earlier stage when dikes are weakened? Read all about the JLD Dike Stabilizer here.


An inspiration for entrepreneurs and governments

PIANOo and Startup Delta have compiled eight examples of innovative entrepreneurs in the publication: “Innovaties inkopen, het kan!” (translated: Purchasing innovations, it is possible!)

One of these innovations is the JLD Dyke stabilizer. They mention the innovation as ‘a future-proof dyke stabilizer’.

The JLD Dyke stabilizer shows a diversity of collaborations around innovative purchasing and is a valuable source of inspiration for entrepreneurs and governments.

In this publication, front runners give insights into the way they work with innovative companies on new solutions to social issues.

Constantijn van Oranje (prince of the Netherlands) handed over the first copy during the ‘How To Get There Summit’ last Thursday. Also present were Henk Kamp (Minister of Economic Affairs) and Neelie Kroes.

The Government as a client of innovative solutions is possible! As Constantijn van Oranje, Special Envoy StartupDelta stated in the preface of the publication: “The potential for the government and startups/innovative companies is huge; and thus, for the Netherlands. We must not leave that potential unused.




Drone footage dike breaches

JLD Contracting proudly presents unique drone footage of the breaching of the green- and blue test dikes on the ‘waterbouwdag’ (water construction day) in Rotterdam.

Dike breaches have never before been captured in this unique way!

In this video the unique footage of the dike breaches with and without  the JLD Dike stabiliser will be played alongside each other to clearly show the differences of the impact of these dike breaches.

Below is a screenshot of the impact of the breaches on the test dikes with and without the JLD Dike stabilizer.


Video tests JLD Dyke Stabiliser

When it comes to dike safety, a lack of macro-stability is a large and complex problem. In the “POV Macro-stability Programme’, JLD Contracting was able further to develop the JLD dike stabiliser – an innovative dike improvement technique.

The purpose of the programme is to make dike reinforcement better, faster and cheaper. The JLD dike stabiliser increases the inward stability of dikes (also called macro-stability), providing a solid solution.

The test dikes are broken and thus the actual-scale practical tests have now been completed. Watch the video of the tests!


Progress of the JLD Dyke Stabilizer

The project team is busy conducting the trials of the dyke stabilizer. The first phase trials are called interaction tests, which are carried out at this moment on the trial field in Purmerend. The ordeal consists of several tension tests in which the dyke stabilizer is being tested in a variety of configurations. Besides pulling the LDE or the ground anchor, the dyke stabilizer is also tested in its overall composition (LDE with folding anchor).

The dike stabilizers are inserted in the test field using a machine specially developed by JLD Contracting.


Then all mounted dyke stabilizers are being tested individually. The dyke stabilizer is being pulled using a mortar.

Currently almost all the test are completed in this stage, the results are satisfactory.

Meanwhile, preparations for implementation of the next phase trails, the container tests are being made.






Development of the JLD dyke stabiliser

In 2013, JLD Contracting BV entered into collaboration with Antea Group and Wiertsema & Partners. With the support of these partners, JLD Contracting entered into a unique partnership with Waterschap Rivierenland to turn the concept of the JLD dyke stabiliser into an accepted system within the High Water Protection Programme (HWPP). This innovative technique to improve dykes, which aims particularly to improve inward stability, is a design based on an idea patented by Mr Jos F. Karsten, director/owner of JLD Contracting BV, with its registered office in Edam.

Together with the partners, an experimental design was set up with Deltares, who assists the development on behalf of Waterschap Rivierenland, the contracting authority. After extensive soil investigations, multiple calculations and many meetings, the tests were initiated at a location made available by the municipality of Purmerend. One of the basic ideas is that what has already been investigated and deemed useable need not be investigated again. This data, which is often available for the market, will be used optimally within this development. Below we provide insight into the main elements of the system’s operation and the test procedure method.


Current development status of the JLD dyke stabiliser

The preparation phase is ready and the project team has started the first tests. All of the parties involved jointly with Deltares are working on this project with full commitment. This has led to the test design, which allows us to extract all information required to fill the remaining knowledge gaps.

In the field, the top layer of the test dyke is excavated and the dyke body is installed on top of this, reaching a height of approximately 1.40 m. In addition, various monitoring systems are installed, including piezometers and measurement posts. The subsoil and clay for the dyke body are analysed by means of compression tests, single stage triaxial tests and DSS tests. The Atterberg limits as well as the volumetric weight/water content of the dyke material are also determined.

The tests are modelled in Plaxis 2D/3D to monitor the extent to which the stabilisers theoretically contribute to the dyke body’s macro stability and how the test can be best carried out so that the desired slip circle is achieved. On the right: an illustration of the work on the stability analysis for the container test/test dyke.


Figure 1: Container test stability analyse


Expected Planning

  • The interaction tests are virtually finished;
  • As of April 2015: having the container tests give way;
  • From May through July 2015: elaboration of the results;
  • End of 2015: achieving acceptance of the JLD dyke stabiliser.


Operation of the JLD dyke stabiliser system

Objective: Improve inward stability

The JLD dyke stabiliser consists of four parts:


JLD Anchor Transfers tensile force to the subsoil
LDE (fin) Element transfers transverse force to the soil
Draw rod Transfers transverse force via LDE to JLD anchor/LDE
LDP (head plate) Links surface to JLD dyke stabiliser


 Figure 2: Operation of the JLD dyke stabiliser system


Testing the JLD dyke stabiliser system

After working out the theoretical substantiation, it is important to carry out a practical test. These tests serve to examine whether the JLD dyke stabiliser operates as assumed in the theoretical substantiation and as appears from the various models. The tests are divided into two parts: the interaction tests and the container tests.

Main objectives of the interaction tests:

  • Determination of the force that a JLD anchor placed in the deep soil (pleistocene, holocene sand layer) can accommodate;
  • Determination of the frictional force that an LDE element placed in cohesive layers can accommodate;
  • Determination of the force of that the combination of a JLD anchor and an LDE placed in the soil can accommodate.

Main objective of the container tests:

  • Optimisation of design method of the JLD dyke stabiliser;
    • The centre-to-centre distance of the JLD dyke stabilisers can be optimised;
    • Differences between an LDE from a single part or from multiple parts can be investigated;
  • Determination of the transverse force absorbed by an LDE placed in the soil.
  • Determination of the forces that the JLD dyke stabiliser can accommodate in a situation that most closely approximates the eventual application area of the JLD dyke stabiliser;


Figure 3: Test design

Development Costs

The entire development is made possible by the new scheme provided by the HWPP.

Within this new scheme, innovative projects are 100%-funded (instead of 90%) and the risks associated with the innovation’s eventual failure are borne by the programme. Naturally, JLD Contracting takes responsibility within this range of risks – this is primarily for execution and materials. The energy, commitment and speed with which the project is conducted prove that the new HWBP approach offers many opportunities that allow SMEs to bring great ideas to life.

In HWBP’s annual Scan, the JLD dyke stabiliser is seen as particularly promising.

JLD Contracting bv and its partners are extremely enthusiastic about the success of this development. The preliminary results of the tests are very satisfying.