JLD International October 29, 2020

Remains of WWII pilot Ernest returned home after 76 years

Afgelopen maand kwam het Amervar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} ikaanse agentschap MIA (Missing in action) haar belofte na en zijn de stoffelijke resten van copiloot Ernest uit de tweede wereldoorlog geborgen.

The plane, a B17G -Flying Fortress, was shot down during a bombing raid near the Croatian island of Vis in 1944 by the Maribor-Slovenia anti-aircraft guns.

The plane wreckage was at a depth of 72 meters on the sea floor. Diving school Manta Diving Center inCroatia (www.crodive.info) installed a JLD Clap Anchor at 72 meters depth 5 meters from the nose of the aircraft wreckage and was able to successfully recover the remains of the co-pilot in part because of this.