Category Archives: JLD International


JLD Contracting has been selected as 1 of the 100 most innovative SMEs in the Netherlands. 

Every year, the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) presents the 100 most innovative SMEs in the Netherlands. As an innovative, solution- and customer-oriented company, we are extremely proud that JLD Contracting has been selected to the Top 100 most innovative companies of the Netherlands!

On Wednesday, September 25, the finals will take place. In addition to the jury prize, there is also an audience prize. So it remains exciting!

Vote and help us win!



JLD International at the METS Tradeshow at RAI Amsterdam

Last days (Nov. 14-15-16) JLD International was at the METS Tradeshow at the Rai in Amsterdam.

De METS is ’s werelds grootste en best bezochte beurs in de maritieme industrie en een gelegenvar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} heid waar bedrijven die zich richten op innovatie en marktontwikkelingen elkaar kunnen ontmoeten.

JLD was here at the Marina & Yard Pavilion, a plaza where the leading marina development and docking companies have booths.

JLD's main focus at this exhibition was the supply and anchoring of floating jetties, as well as the anchoring of buoys and other floating objects.


JLD has become a member of the HISWA Business Club

Last month, JLD International became a member of the HISWA Business Club (HBC).

De vereniging HISWA is een brancheorganisatie voor watersportbedrijven. HISWA is bekend van de gelijknamige consumentenbeurzen voor de watervar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} sport.

In the HISWA Business Club, companies find each other. Only specialists in water sports are allowed to join the exclusive HISWA Business Club. Demonstrable knowledge and experience and offering added value are requirements. HISWA members enjoy attractive benefits such as promotions and discounts from these companies.

The HISWA Business Club (HBC) is a select group of companies supplying or active in the water sports industry. These professionals have the right knowledge and experience in a particular field. They provide products and services that water sports companies can benefit from. The HBC currently has about forty participants.



JLD International distributor of Marinetek!

We are very proud to announce that JLD International has become a distributor of Marinetek.

Marinetek is an internationally recognized brand for premium marinas and advanced floating solutions.

For more on Marinetek click here.

This morning Jos Karsten signed the contract with Ilkka Seppälä of Marinetek at the METS at the RAI in Amsterdam.


Also read Marinetek's press release here:

"Marinetek welcomes new Dutch and German distributors.

Marinetek is further strengthening its presence on the Dutch and German markets with the appointment of two new distributors, JLD International BV (De Goorn, Netherlands) JLD has extensive experience in marine construction and is well established in their specific regions.

JLD International is known for its folding anchors, sheet piling and retention walls and has skilled knowledge in how best to make transitions from land to water. "We see great potential in the Dutch market, especially for refurbishing existing marinas," says JLD International CEO Jos Karsten. "Our own products combined with the comprehensive range of pontoons and accessories offered by Marinetek are perfect for breathing new life into old marinas."

Kristian Räme, Marinetek Vice President International Sales, is delighted to welcome the company to the Marinetek network. "We are excited to be working with such strong and skilful partner in two countries where there is so much ongoing potential for waterfront developments," he says. "We have known both JLD International and Ostseedienst for a long time and are confident that by working together we will have a competitive edge for all marina related projects."


Da vinci's bridge in ice

Da Vinci's bridge in ice

Also next year JLD International may anchor the tents used for the project of the University of Eindhoven. In previous years the university has built (the world's largest) Pykrete Dome and (the world's tallest) Sagrada Familia out of ice, JLD International was involved in these as well. The project for 2016 will be building Davinci's bridge out of ice (35 meters).

Click here for more information on this project.




Erosion protection in Abuja, Nigeria

JLD-International werkt momenteel aan een erosiebestrijding project voor het Uyo Convention Centre in Abuja, Nigeria. Voor ditvar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} project is JLD International bezig met het verankeren van geo-textiel en geo-cellen met behulp van JLD ankers.

West side nailing (4) West side nailing (5) West side nailing (10) West Side Nailing (12)