JLD Dike Stabilizer presentation at the Water Construction Day 2017

JLD Dike Stabilization November 23, 2017

Today, Thursday, November 23, JLD Contracting BV is exhibiting with its own stand at the Waterbouwdag 2017 in De Doelen in Rotterdam.

The topic of climate change has become part of everyday life. Increased flooding in low-lying deltas, the transition to clean energy and the Paris climate agreement provide permanent media attention. In doing so, they contribute to social awareness around this topic. How much are sea levels and river discharges rising? And what does this mean for the hydraulic engineering sector?

Such issues are being discussed today by experts and concerned companies in the hydraulic engineering industry.

JLD Contracting presents here the JLD Dike Stabilizer, an innovative dike strengthening system with which we want to contribute to water safety in the Netherlands.

Benieuwd naar wat de JLD-Dijkstabivar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} lisator precies is, hoe het werkt en hoe het Nederland een veiligere leefomgeving kan bieden, de bevolking beter kan beschermen tegen een dijkdoorbraak en ook eerder te waarschuwen bij mogelijke dijkverzwakking? Lees hier dan alles over de JLD Dijkstabilisator.