Last month, JLD International became a member of the HISWA Business Club (HBC).
De vereniging HISWA is een brancheorganisatie voor watersportbedrijven. HISWA is bekend van de gelijknamige consumentenbeurzen voor de watervar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} sport.
In the HISWA Business Club, companies find each other. Only specialists in water sports are allowed to join the exclusive HISWA Business Club. Demonstrable knowledge and experience and offering added value are requirements. HISWA members enjoy attractive benefits such as promotions and discounts from these companies.
The HISWA Business Club (HBC) is a select group of companies supplying or active in the water sports industry. These professionals have the right knowledge and experience in a particular field. They provide products and services that water sports companies can benefit from. The HBC currently has about forty participants.