JLD 4 days at Infratech 2015 exhibition in Ahoy Rotterdam

JLD Dike Stabilization February 20, 2015

Last January 20 to 23, JLD Contracting was present at the Infratech 2015 exhibition in Ahoy Rotterdam.

This edition of the InfraTech exhibition JLD was there with a beautiful stand to promote, in addition to the successful concept "JLD clap anchors", the latest developments called the Dike Stabilizer and the VPPS (pipeline pressure system).

De JLD-Dijkstabilisator is een project waar JLD Contracting momenteel samen met partners Antea group, Wiertsema & Partners en Waterschap Rivierenland aan werkt om devar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} dijken te versterken. De uitvoering vindt plaats binnen het HWBP programma,

"POV Macrostability. The VPPS is a project that JLD Contracting is working on with partner Gasunie to quickly construct transport pipelines in the ground cheaply and effectively, among other things, or press them deeper in case of coverage defects. .

The booth was well attended and there were many interested parties.

More news about the Klapankers, Dike Stabilizer and VPPS soon!

Bekijk hiervar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} onder de video’s die op de beurs zijn vertoond: