One hundred sixty technicians to test dike Purmerend (from NHD)

JLD Dike Stabilization January 17, 2015

About a hundred and sixty technicians in the field of hydraulic engineering and dike reinforcement will come to Purmerend on Monday to see the dike stabilizer from JLD Contracting of Edam.

trial dike-purmerend

Test dike reinforcement : measurement results hopeful

The new technique for dike reinforcement is currently being tested on a test field at the Baanstee Noord industrial estate in Purmerend. ''The measurement results so far are so promising that our client and our partners have every confidence in our system,'' says JLD director Jos Karsten about his invention. His client, Waterschap Rivierenland confirms this through Frans van den Berg. The partners are Deltares, Antea Group and Wiertsema & Partners.

Karsten is enormously proud that his company was eligible for a government innovation grant so that the effectiveness of his invention can be studied. The advantage of his system is that the dike retains its characteristic appearance and it is cheaper than current dike strengthening methods.

Source: NHD