Category Archives: JLD Dike Stabilization

Unique images dike breach with JLD Dike Stabilizer

Wednesday morning, July 8, at 07:14 am, the "blue" dike was broken (with the JLD Dike Stabilizer) in the JLD Contracting Dike Stabilization Project!

The completion of this portion of the testing means that nearly a year of field research can be completed. The data obtained from all these tests will be analyzed and compiled into a report in the coming weeks. This report will be submitted to the Flood Protection Expertise Network (ENW) for review after the summer break.

JLD Contracting aims to get the JLD Dike Stabilizer into an accepted system before the end of this year.


Major step in development of levee reinforcement technology

Trials of innovation JLD Dike Stabilizer very positive

July 8, 2015

EDAM - Today at 07.14 hours the test dike during 2nd container test at JLD Contracting's test field in Purmerend broke in accordance with the calculations. This brought an end to almost a year of preparation and field research. The initial findings make it very plausible that the JLD Dike Stabilizer can become an accepted system for dike reinforcement this year. A big step for dike reinforcement in the Netherlands and abroad.


Trial with and without Dike Stabilizer

Wednesday evening, June 24, was the first part of the container tests with the "green" dike. This dike had been conducted without the JLD Dike Stabilizer and was intended to verify the computational model developed for the JLD Dike Stabilizer. In accordance with the calculations, the dike broke.

The second trial of the "blue" dike (reinforced with the JLD Dike Stabilizer) began last Monday, July 6, weighing approximately 1 million pounds of steel and containers to achieve a breach, as planned. The initial findings make it very plausible that the JLD Dike Stabilizer can grow into an accepted system for dike reinforcement before the end of this year.

The trials produced unique images. View these images at



Project POV Macrostability

JLD Contracting, together with its partners Antea Group, Wiertsema & Partners and Deltares, is developing the JLD Dike Stabilizer. This development is an innovative dike improvement technique that aims to improve the inward stability of dikes (Macrostability). This technique is being developed and funded on behalf of Waterschap Rivierenland within the POV macrostability, a program of the Dutch High Water Protection Program (HWBP).


What does this mean?

The completion of this portion of the testing means that nearly a year of field research can be completed. The data obtained from all these tests will be analyzed and compiled into a report in the coming weeks. This report will be submitted to the Flood Protection Expertise Network (ENW) for review after the summer break.

JLD Contracting aims to get the JLD Dike Stabilizer into an accepted system before the end of this year.

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Dike near Edam broken

EDAM - Last night at 10:43 pm, in line with expectations, the test dike on JLD Contracting's test field in the Baanstee in Purmerend broke. This means that the test with the first test dike has been successful!

JLD Contracting BV, a sister company of JLD International BV, has been active in Earth, Road and Hydraulic Engineering as well as Pipeline Construction and Infratechnology since 2014.

POV Macrostability

JLD, together with its partners Antea Group and Wiertsema & Partners, is developing the JLD Dike Stabilizer. This development is an innovative dike improvement technique that aims to improve the inward stability of dikes (Macrostability). This technique is being implemented and funded on behalf of Waterschap Rivierenland within the POV macrostability, a program of the Dutch High Water Protection Program (HWBP).

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For these tests, JLD recreated a dike that collapsed thanks to what are known as container tests. These large containers were weighted with steel and water and were monitored and measured 24 hours a day for the past few days.


This first test failed the 'green dike', the 'green dike' was a test dike that had not been reinforced with JLD Dike Stabilizers. The next test is the failure of 'blue dike'. This 'blue dike' was reinforced with JLD Dike Stabilizers and this trial will take place starting July 6.

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Baanstee Purmerend Test Site Dike Stabilizer

Last weekend the test site was still open for invited guests to take a look at the latest innovations. This very well attended open day was a great success. Upon entering, guests were welcomed with a cup of coffee and then began the tour of the various innovations of JLD Contracting with the main attraction being the JLD Dike Stabilizer.

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JLD Contracting member of NVAF

JLD Contracting has become a member of the NVAF.

The NVAF is a medium-sized business organization whose goal is to promote the interests of members/contractors of foundation works and owners of foundation equipment. It thus fulfills a platform function in the foundation industry. The more than 65 members are engaged in the development and implementation of various foundation techniques.

Check out the website here

Article Financial Dagblad

Miracle cure for condemned levees

As a child, Jos Karsten walked the Markermeer dike. Now he is director of JLD Contracting, an SME company from Edam that works on a so-called "JLD dike stabilizer," a plastic pin that reinforces dikes so they once again meet safety requirements.

Simulated levee breach

The promises of the dike stabilizer are almost too good to be true, agrees Karsten (49). But so far, all research results from tests in an artificial dike in Purmerend are positive. The stabilizer strengthens a dike on the inside. The pin is inserted within minutes with a small machine and is made of a special type of flexible plastic. Karsten: "A dike has to be able to move.

The ultimate test will follow in April, when a dike breach will be simulated. Karsten, who is working with knowledge institute Deltares and Antea Group, among others, hopes that his stabilizer will receive a statement from ENW, the institute that draws up the calculation rules for dike safety, by the end of this year. With this declaration, water boards will not have to conduct additional research if they want to use the stabilizer

Export Plans

Expectations are high. Rijkswaterstaat thinks that 2,000 kilometers of dike will be rejected in a new test in two years. 'If we can do 10% of all Dutch dikes, I will have accomplished a great mission in my life.' Export plans for Europe, Asia and the United States are also ready. Afraid of competition, the entrepreneur is not. Patents should protect the invention, which has taken more than seven years to develop.

Karsten can't wait to get to work with real dikes. As an entrepreneur, he keeps far from the political discussions about the Markermeer dike. But, he says, 'I would very much like to do a piece of the dike. It's still my dike.'

Article Financial Dagblad 24-03- 2015

Miracle cure for condemned levees

As a child, Jos Karsten walked the Markermeer dike. Now he is director of JLD Contracting, an Edam-based SME company working on a so-called "JLD dike stabilizer," a plastic pin that reinforces dikes so that they once again meet safety requirements.
Simulated dike breach
The promises of the dike stabilizer are almost too good to be true, agrees Karsten (49). But so far, all research results from tests in an artificial dike in Purmerend are positive. The stabilizer strengthens a dike on the inside. The pin is inserted within minutes with a small machine and is made of a special type of flexible plastic. Karsten: "A dike must be able to move.
The ultimate test will follow in April, when a dike breach will be simulated. Karsten, who collaborates with knowledge institute Deltares and Antea Group, among others, hopes that his stabilizer will receive a statement at the end of this year from ENW, the institute that draws up the calculation rules for the safety of dikes. With this declaration, water boards will not have to conduct additional research if they want to use the stabilizer
Export plans
Expectations are high. Rijkswaterstaat thinks that in two years 2000 kilometers of dikes will be rejected in a new test. 'If we can do 10% of all Dutch dikes, I will have accomplished a great mission in my life.' Export plans for Europe, Asia and the United States are also ready. Afraid of competition, the entrepreneur is not. Patents should protect the invention, which has been worked on for more than seven years.
Karsten can't wait to start working with real dikes. As an entrepreneur, he keeps his distance from the political discussions about the Markermeer dike. But, he says, "I very much want to do a piece of the dike. It's still my dike.'