Category Archives: JLD Dike Stabilization

Ring dike reinforced in fight against changing climate (AT5)

A bone-dry summer, followed by heavy downpours and high temperatures in mid-October: the weather has beenextremethis year and is not expected to become less so in the future. This poses an issue for the city, because how do you manage water when you only have limited space? The Ringdijk in Oost is therefore now being reinforced in a special way.

Een van de mensen die daar over gaat is Gerhard van den Top, hij is dijkgraaf van het Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht en volop bezig met de klimaatverandering. En daar heeft hij grote zorgen over: ‘Het lijkt allemaal ontzettend fijn, we zitten heerlijk op een terrasje tot laat in oktober. En tegelijkertijd gaat klimaatverandering wel heel veel betekenen, ook voor Amsterdam.’
Sinds 1950 is de stad 1,6 graad warmer geworden en dat heeft gevolgen, aldus Van den Top: ‘Daardoor heb je vaker van die zware clusterbuien en stijgt de zeespiegel en daarom heb je steeds meer moeite om Amsterdam te ontwaterenvar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} ‘.
Om te zorgen dat er in de toekomst geen overstromingen komen, gaat het Waterschap daarom vanaf volgende week de Ringdijk in de Watergraafsmeer versterken. ‘Je ziet hier heel goed hoe laag de woningen liggen ten opzichte van het afvoerkanaal. De Ringdijk is aangelegd om de te zorgen dat de Watergraafsmeer droogt blijft’.
Naast de hoosbuien die vaker voorkomen was er juist ook een periode van stucturele droogte afgelopen zomer. Het gevolg was dat er sloten droog vielen en er zelfs wat huizen verzakten. ‘Als er weinig water van de Rijn komt moeten we er juist weer voor zorgen dat het waterpeil voldoende blijft dat de mensen kunnen blijven sproeien en water drinken.’
Route naar problemen
Volgens klimaatrapporten is het veranderende weer voor Amsterdam ‘een route naar heel veel meer problemen in de toekomst’. Oplossingen zijn er ook zegt de dijkgraaf. ‘Zorg voor veel meer wateropvang in je wijk. Bestraat je tuin niet helemaal, hou ‘m groen of kijk of je een kinderspeelplaats anders in kunt richten. Iedereen heeft daar een rol in te spelen en ik hoop ook echt dat we dat gaan doen de komende jaren.’
Lees hier het originele artikel.

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JLD Dike Stabilizer presentation at the Water Construction Day 2017

Today, Thursday, November 23, JLD Contracting BV is exhibiting with its own stand at the Waterbouwdag 2017 in De Doelen in Rotterdam.

The topic of climate change has become part of everyday life. Increased flooding in low-lying deltas, the transition to clean energy and the Paris climate agreement provide permanent media attention. In doing so, they contribute to social awareness around this topic. How much are sea levels and river discharges rising? And what does this mean for the hydraulic engineering sector?

Such issues are being discussed today by experts and concerned companies in the hydraulic engineering industry.

JLD Contracting presents here the JLD Dike Stabilizer, an innovative dike strengthening system with which we want to contribute to water safety in the Netherlands.

Benieuwd naar wat de JLD-Dijkstabivar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} lisator precies is, hoe het werkt en hoe het Nederland een veiligere leefomgeving kan bieden, de bevolking beter kan beschermen tegen een dijkdoorbraak en ook eerder te waarschuwen bij mogelijke dijkverzwakking? Lees hier dan alles over de JLD Dijkstabilisator.

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A good conversation on the levee!

Jos Karsten of JLD Contracting yesterday had "A good conversation on the dike" with Gerhard van den Top, Dijkgraaf Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht, Gerrit Jan van de Pol, director of contracting company GMB, and Jan van Dijk, project manager of contracting company GMB at the Infratech in Ahoy Rotterdam about technology and the risks of innovations.

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Jos Karsten of JLD Contracting joins 'A good conversation on the dike'

The High Water Protection Program is organizing a daily "Good Talk on the Dike" at Infratech in Rotterdam in Hall 6 stand no. 6.101.

Here, several speakers from the dike world, under the guidance of discussion leader Frank du Mosch, will discuss upcoming and ongoing dike reinforcements, new developments and challenges.

Thursday, January 19 at 2 p.m. Jos Karsten of JLD Contracting joins Gerhard van den Top, Dijkgraaf Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht, Gerrit Jan van de Pol, director of contracting company GMB, and Jan van Dijk, project manager of contracting company GMB to talk about technology and the risks of innovations. Among other things, here they discuss when an innovation is no longer an innovation, but proven technology.



Source of inspiration for entrepreneurs and governments

PIANOo and StartupDelta have compiled 8 examples of innovative entrepreneurs in the publication, "Purchasing innovations, it can be done!"

One is the JLD Dike Stabilizer. They call the innovation "a future-proof dike stabilizer.

The JLD Dike Stabilizer shows a diversity of collaborations around innovative procurement and is a valuable source of inspiration for entrepreneurs and governments.

In "Purchasing innovations, it can be done!" frontrunners provide insight into how they are working with innovative companies on new solutions to social issues.

Contantijn van Oranje handed over the first copy at the How To Get There Summit last Thursday. Also present were Minister of Economic Affairs Henk Kamp and Neelie Kroes.

So it can be done: the government as client of innovative solutions. As Constantijn van Oranje, Special Envoy StartupDelta, states in the preface to the publication, "The potential for government and startups/innovative companies is huge; and with it, for the Netherlands! We should not leave that potential unused on the table."

Download the publication here!





Burning the Water Wolves

Last Wednesday marked the 100th anniversary of the flood disaster that inundated the island of Marken and large parts of North Holland. The storm surge made dozens of victims and caused unimaginable damage. To prevent a recurrence, the Zuiderzee Works were developed, with the construction of the Afsluitdijk as the crowning glory.

As part of 100 years of dry feet, 17 water wolves were symbolically burned.

A mythical figure from ancient times, the Water Wolf symbolizes the primal power of the sea and the eternal struggle with water.

At 14 (elementary) schools in the region, students created one or more of their own water wolves under the guidance of visual artist Rob Cerneüs Jr.

The 17 water wolves were burned at 14 sites along the Markermeer dike.

The first water wolf was burned on Marken by Mayor Luzette Wagenaar and dike grave Luc Kohsiek. This was followed by the water wolves "on the other side.

Jos had been asked to light a water wolf on behalf of OBS Middelie at the Etersheimerbraak near the pruthoek in Warder.

Because of the development with the JLD Dike Stabilizer, Jos had been chosen by the children of OBS Middelie to light the water wolf they made.

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Drone footage dike breaches

At the water construction day in Rotterdam, JLD Contracting will present drone footage of the breaking of the "green" and the "JLD trial dike."

Never before have dike breaches been recorded in this unique way.

In deze video zullen de unieke beelden van de proefdijken mét en zonder de JLD-Dijkstabilistor naast elkaar worden afgespeeld, waardoor de vervar link = document.getElementById(‘link2736’);link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute(‘href’);} schillen van de impact van deze breuken duidelijk zichtbaar worden.

Below is a screenshot of the impact of the fractures of the test dikes with and without the JLD Dike Stabilizer.


Video trials JLD Dike Stabilizer

When it comes to levee safety, lack of macro stability is a major and complex problem.

Within the program 'POV Macrostability' JLD Contracting has been able to further develop the JLD Dike Stabilizer - an innovative dike improvement technique. The program aims to make dike reinforcement better, faster and cheaper.

The JLD Levee Stabilizer increases the inward stability also known as macro stability of levees, providing a solid solution.

The test dikes have been broken and the tests, both with and without the JLD Dike Stabilizer have been completed. Watch the video of the tests here!